A Site Adaptive Work


45-55 minutes, Site-adaptive for parks, gardens, plazas, or other open spaces

Celebrating our connection to the earth, the opening section is designed to be performed with community members or students, who learn it ahead of time. This work was a featured event at the 2017 seasonal opening of Omi Sculpture Park in Hudson, NY and was most recently performed in September 2021 at Southern Vermont Arts Center. In Vermont, we worked with the Burr and Burton Academy to incorporate high school students.

The work is site-adaptive and can lead the audience on a physical journey through a park, garden or other space. The performance can be held in conjunction with community engagement events such as trashion and movement workshops.

“I can't thank you enough for an amazing performance! I was so honored by your work with the members of the community who came to the workshop and those who joined in the dance. You generously brought people to Omi and made us all a part of something larger.”  Ruth Adams, Executive Director, Art Omi